SEASON: The project was founded by Maruko Hirae in 2022. Based in Tokyo. We believe fashion should be more sweet for us and our future, and we propose a sweeter fashion cycle: upcycle, fair trade, and one-of-a-kind pieces handmade with love.  Through the experience of collaboration with creations, designers, and friends, you might find the beauty of everyday life hiding right next to you. We try to build a sustainable and sweet future society.

Mifi Mifi

Jennifer Laflamme is an artist based in Toronto, Canada who works with textiles and paintings. Her work is imbued with the memory and spirit of her interactions with the natural world.

Mifi Mifiはカナダのトロントに拠点を置くテキスタイルスタジオ。

デザイナーのJennifer Laflammeは自然とコラボレーションする彼女自身の記憶や精神から美しいテキスタイルを生み出し、テキスタイルを絵画や服、彫刻などの作品に昇華させます。

We introduced Mifi Mifi at our second popup store "KISSING.FIGHTING".





Maruko wearing Fuwa Fuwa Knit top.

Adorable color.. dyed with the petals of safflower and abocado.
You never see this in mass production synthetic dyes.

Jennifer自身を想わせるあでやかな空気感が、海をこえて、身に纏うみなさんに美しく浸透することでしょう.. いつもよりヌーディに、したたるように、make upして♥


Mifi Mifi
Fuwa Fuwa Knit top

The project was founded by Maruko Hirae in 2022. Based in Tokyo.
We believe fashion should be more sweet for us and our future, and we propose a sweeter fashion cycle: upcycle, fair trade, and one-of-a-kind pieces handmade with love. And we think it's important to collaborate with each other. Through the experience of collaboration with creations, designers, and friends, you might find the beauty of everyday life hiding right next to you. We try to build a sustainable and sweet future society.