フランスを拠点とするMathilde Hiron。贅沢なツイード、キラキラ輝く光沢、ヴィンテージの装身具などがふんだんにあしらわれ、アップサイクルで生み出される一点物のアクセサリー。
Mathilde Hiron is a french designer. Intricate tweeds, gleaming lustres, vintage trinkets; Mathilde Hiron accessories are one-of-a-kind. Because ethically sourcing materials shouldn’t mean giving up on prestige and luxury, Mathilde Hiron’s work starts early. Identifying luxurious deadstocks, sifting through mounds of vintage goods, she is constantly on the look-out for the next gem to incorporate into her creations.
A collection in more than one way, akin to an avid collector feverishly curating their most precious finds, in Tourmalines, Mathilde Hiron intertwines treasures and brings to life pieces imbued with powerful auras.
While the pieces can be worn all year long, the collection draws from Indian summers, hot days and refreshing nights. Bright colors to extend the summer and its delights, just a little longer.