SEASON: The project was founded by Maruko Hirae in 2022. Based in Tokyo. We believe fashion should be more sweet for us and our future, and we propose a sweeter fashion cycle: upcycle, fair trade, and one-of-a-kind pieces handmade with love.  Through the experience of collaboration with creations, designers, and friends, you might find the beauty of everyday life hiding right next to you. We try to build a sustainable and sweet future society.

She is not alone.

May 2023

Our 2.5th Popup store “She is not alone” was feld on the website.
Maruko and Haruka collaborated again, and featured the beautiful daisy skirt.

The statement is “She is not alone”.  
“She” means the daisy skirt. The daisy skirt is our only unsold stock. Unsold stock usually means a negative situation. But I wanted to believe that my first "unsold experience" would show me another world. Because the daisy skirt is absolutely beautiful.

I called Haruka, with her, talking and imaging. Haruka, who is a charming girl, said she always values “humor”. I thought that’s exactly expressed her. She loves alternatives. She always dressed charmingly and I love her style of behavior and this is the reason that I collaborated with her. I wanted to peep into her inside, and feel her sense more closely.

She was also working as a model for the photo shoot for our 2nd Popup. We had a photo shoot at the seaside. It looked so healthy images. So I planned to create a different image: mysterious city girl. In addition, because of I always hesitated to sell garments on an eshop, the web stage is a big challenge for me. I wanna be always changing. So it was also a big chance for me.

We met again and again, talked and imaged. The Styling was builded with our personal treasures. I chose the best music for this statement :Sonic Youth『She is not alone』. Thank you so much for the reel function of Instagram because it made me collaborate with my dear Sonic Youth.

Finally, I shot and edited the fashion movie for the first time.
Haruka designed the website for the first time.

2.5回目のポップアップストア “She is not alone” が、ウェブで公開されました。
私ははるかちゃんともう一度コラボレーションし、Sulaの daisy skirt を特集しました。

“She is not alone” 『彼女はひとりじゃない。』
「彼女」とは、この  daisy skirt のことです。このスカートは、SEASONにとって初めての売れ残り在庫でした。売れ残りというとネガティブなイメージになるけれど、私はこの初経験が新しい景色をみせてくれるはずだと信じました。本当に美しいスカートだからです。





Haruka’s special website transports you to another strange world.
You might find the beautiful skirt after chasing the red daisy. This site design is my favorite. Perfectly.

赤い daisy のお花のマークを追いかけていったら、 daisy skirt を見つけられる仕組みです。このサイトデザインは完璧に、私のお気に入りです。

Chase the red daisies and wander around the site.

I’m so happy.
Because the daisy skirt gathered us together again.
Three of us created a new image with a beautiful memory. We ate delicious pizza after the movie shoot. She, the daisy skirt, made us have fun imagining and creating.

“I use fashion to nurture a sense needed to live well.”

This is the answer that this experience taught me. We can enjoy all situations around us.

I hope.
Someday, this beautiful skirt is loved by someone beautiful. 

daisy skirt が、私たちをもう一度コラボレーションさせてくれたから。
3人で新しいイメージを作りました。楽しい思い出も同時に。撮影の後には、おいしいピザも食べました。彼女、 daisy skirt は、私たちに想像することと創造することを楽しませてくれました。




The project was founded by Maruko Hirae in 2022. Based in Tokyo.
We believe fashion should be more sweet for us and our future, and we propose a sweeter fashion cycle: upcycle, fair trade, and one-of-a-kind pieces handmade with love. And we think it's important to collaborate with each other. Through the experience of collaboration with creations, designers, and friends, you might find the beauty of everyday life hiding right next to you. We try to build a sustainable and sweet future society.

Founder, Owner, Director, and Buyer / Maruko Hirae