SEASON: The project was founded by Maruko Hirae in 2022. Based in Tokyo. We believe fashion should be more sweet for us and our future, and we propose a sweeter fashion cycle: upcycle, fair trade, and one-of-a-kind pieces handmade with love.  Through the experience of collaboration with creations, designers, and friends, you might find the beauty of everyday life hiding right next to you. We try to build a sustainable and sweet future society.

Popup Exhibition “uminowa” 3

3. airi

景色、いきもの、文化、地球上のさまざまな事象がつながり、循環する「海」に自由なアプローチで想いを馳せてみながら、対話や表現が繋がっていくことを想像し uminowa(=海の輪)と名付けられた展覧会。

seasonvoice の小さなスタジオにて、airiによる絵の展示を行いました。段ボールや紙袋などを再利用し、鉛筆、絵の具、ペン、クレヨン、パステル、色鉛筆など身近にある様々な道具を使って繊細なタッチで描かれた海の生き物たち。



The project was founded by Maruko Hirae in 2022. Based in Tokyo.
We believe fashion should be more sweet for us and our future, and we propose a sweeter fashion cycle: upcycle, fair trade, and one-of-a-kind pieces handmade with love. And we think it's important to collaborate with each other. Through the experience of collaboration with creations, designers, and friends, you might find the beauty of everyday life hiding right next to you. We try to build a sustainable and sweet future society.

Founder, Owner, Director, and Buyer / Maruko Hirae